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[PaperPub] 3D Printed EPS Concrete & Excess Paste Layer Theory

Preparation and performance analysis of 3D printed lightweight EPS concrete, Insights from the excess paste theory.

Paper Publication

🎉 Thrilled to announce our latest publication in Cement and Concrete Composites! “Preparation and performance analysis of 3D printed lightweight EPS concrete: Insights from the excess paste theory” #3DPrinting #ConcreteTechnology #ConstructionInnovation

Our team utilized EPS particles to prepare 3D printed low-density concrete ranging from 500 to 1900 kg/m^3. We developed a composite aggregate model that enhances the precision of excess paste volume calculations. 🧩

Check out our work for a deeper dive into the potential of 3D printed construction materials: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2024.105509

A huge thank you to my co-authors and everyone involved in making this research possible! 🙌

😉 Access our paper for FREE for the next 50 days: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1imM43Q2WYw-8n

CC BY-NC-ND, written in Nanjing, Mar 2024
Last updated on Mar 06, 2024 00:00 UTC
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